Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Assignment # 1 Art Review

Due September 9

For this assignment you will take a piece of artwork that you have created and bring it to class to explain to your classmates how you created the piece. You can use a painting, drawing, sculpture, photograph, design, promotional product you created, etc.

Your speech should be 3-5 minutes. You will be timed.

You need to include the following in your speech:
1. Why you created the project
2. What types of media did you use to create it and how you went about creating it.
3. What is the item you brought in
4. Why you decided to bring this piece to class

Make sure you take notes of what you will speak about prior to coming to class. You must hand in your index cars at the end of class. Also make sure to practice your speech to make sure you have enough material. Remember the speech needs to be at least 3 minutes.

Your grade will be worth 50 points and will be based on the following criteria:
• Brought actual piece of artwork in - 10 points 
• Explained your piece of art and answered the questions above - 15 points 
• Speech was 3-5 minutes - 10 points 
• Handed in index cards from speech - 5 points 
• Asked other classmates questions and stayed attentive during other speeches - 10 points 

Questions? Email me: 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Link to Online Text Book

This is just a reminder link to our online course textbook. Chapters 1, 2 & 5 are due September 9.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to Effective Speaking!

Welcome to Effective Speaking at Paier College of Art!

I will use this blog to keep you updated on current assignments and news for the class. This will also serve as an additional place for you to receive your class assignments (in case you miss class or misplace a handout given out during class).

Feel free to leave comments or questions you may have directly on the blog, but as always, you can e-mail me with your questions at

I'm looking forward to a great semester!

Course Syllabus

Hamden, CT


COURSE TITLE: Effective Speaking COURSE NO: AS267


INSTRUCTOR: Tara Cantore

A communications course designed to build confidence in speech, to develop skills in preparation and organization and to utilize proper technique in delivery. Informative, persuasive and narrative presentations are emphasized together with the use of visual aids.

  Build confidence in speaking to groups and individuals.
  Understand and appreciate the importance of effective speaking in daily life.
  Learn to communicate effectively in important situations such as meetings, job interviews, presentations of your work, etc.
  Develop skills in organization, preparation and presentation.
  Learn how to prepare and deliver different types of speeches such as narrative, informative and persuasive.
  Understand the nuts and bolts of effective speaking such as the use of research, description, supporting facts, analysis of your audience, body language, humor and self-presentation.
  Learn how to use visual aids effectively.
  Understand the role and importance of ethics in a presentation or discussion.
  Practice the skills of active listening.

Each student will deliver a total of seven presentations. Six presentations will be throughout the semester, and the last two weeks of classes final presentations will be delivered.

Presentations will include the following: a review on a piece of the student’s artwork, an impromptu speech, group presentation, class debate, how to speech, informative speech and persuasive speech.

The final speech, which counts as 30% of the students’ final grade, is a persuasive speech.

Students will be expected to participate in class readings, discussions, lectures, quizzes and other exercises, as well as conduct research for presentations.

Notebook, writing supplies, index cards and reading handouts.

Reading assignments will be handed out the week prior to their due date.

Grading: A—F
Weight on 1,000 point scale:
Participation and attendance: 100 points
Quizzes (total of 10 quizzes): 100 points
Art Review: 50 points
Impromptu Speech: 50 points
Group Presentation: 100 points
Class Debate: 100 points
How to Presentation: 100 points
Informative Presentation: 100 points
Final Speech/Persuasive Speech: 300 points

Participation is expected and required. Active listening is essential, as you will frequently be called upon to ask questions and provide responses to presenters.

Attendance is taken every class. Three excused absences are permitted in a three semester-hour course. All absences must be documented or they will be treated as unexcused absences, which will affect your final grade.

Be on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late three times, it will count as one absence.

Make-up speeches are only permitted with a doctor’s note. If you do not show up to present a speech, or if you miss a quiz, you will receive a 0 for that assignment.

Also note, if you are absent for a class it is your responsibility to contact me to find out what you missed. It is not my responsibility to make sure you know what work you need to do if you missed class.

Please see page 14 of the Paier College of Art 2010-2012 catalog for the full attendance policy.

Do not plagiarize. All work presented as your own must actually be your own work. Beware of unintentional plagiarism via research or note taking. Any plagiarism will result in failure for the assignment and possibly the course.

Be respectful. Public speaking can be fraught with anxiety and always involves some exposure of one’s self to the group. I require a high degree of respect for your peers. In addition to being respectful to your classmates, I expect you to be respectful to me as well. Talking during lectures is also not permitted. If you are asked multiple times to not talk during lectures points will be taken off your participation grade.

I expect all students to stay in class during presentations. It is unacceptable to leave in the middle of a classmate’s presentation, and points will be taken off your grade for interruptions.

Cell phones are not allowed in class. I expect you to turn your ringer off during class, and texting, surfing the web and playing on your phone is prohibited. If I catch you on your phone during class, points will be taken off your participation grade. If you are on your phone during a classmate’s presentation, points will also be taken off your presentation grade for that class.

I can be reached by e-mail at

I am only available to meet with students on Mondays. You can come to class early or stay after to speak with me, or you can schedule an appointment in advance.


  1. August 26, 2013 – Introduction to course; meet and interview your classmates in-class assignment, discuss basics of public speaking, discuss first assignment, artwork presentation.

  2. September 2 – No Class – Labor Day.

  1. September 9 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Speaking; Chapter 2: Origins of Public Speaking; and Chapter 5: Audience Analysis. Assignments Due: Artwork Review Presentation & Quiz #1. 

  2. September 16 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 3: Ethics in Public Speaking; Chapter 4: Listening Effectively. Assignments Due: Quiz #2. Discussion of speaking anxiety and discussion of impromptu speech assignment.

  3. September 23 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 6: Critical Thinking and Reasoning; and Chapter 7: Supporting Your Ideas. Assignments Due: Impromptu Speech & Quiz # 3. Discussion of group presentation assignment, formulating your speeches and from topics to outlines.

  4. September 30 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 9: Introductions and Conclusions; Chapter 13: Visual Aids; and Chapter 18: Group Presentations. Assignments Due: Quiz #4. Discussion of working in a group, using visual aids and in-class time to work on group presentations.

  5. October 7 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 10: Using Language Well & Chapter 11: Speaking with Confidence. Assignments Due: Quiz #5 & Group Presentations. Discussion of researching a speech.

  6. October 14 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 12: Delivering Your Speech. Assignments Due: Quiz #6. Discussion: Organizing and outlining your speech; how-to presentation.

  7. October 21 – Reading assignments due: No reading assignments this week. Assignments Due: How-to Presentations. Discussion: how a debate works; discuss debate assignment.

  8.  October 28 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 14: Speaking to a Global Audience. Assignments Due: Quiz #7; Class Debate.

  9.   November 4 – Reading assignments due: Chapter 15: Informative Speaking. Assignments Due: Quiz #8. Discussion: What is an informative speech?; Informative speech assignment.

  10.   November 11 – Reading assignments due: No reading assignments this week. Assignments Due: Quiz #9 and Informative speech assignment.

  11.   November 18: Reading assignments due: Chapter 16: Persuasive Speaking. Assignments Due: Quiz # 10. Discussion: What is a persuasive speech?; preparing a persuasive speech; persuasive speech assignment.

  12.   November 25 – Thanksgiving Break – No Class.

  13.   December 2 – Assignments Due: Individual student/teacher consultation for persuasive speech/final speech assignment.

  14.   December 9 – Assignment Due: First week of Final Speeches/Persuasive Speeches.

  15.   December 16 – Last Day of Class. Assignments Due:  Second week of Final Speeches/Persuasive Speeches.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes and additions to this schedule. Changes will be announced in class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all assigned course work.