Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Assignment # 1 Art Review

Due September 9

For this assignment you will take a piece of artwork that you have created and bring it to class to explain to your classmates how you created the piece. You can use a painting, drawing, sculpture, photograph, design, promotional product you created, etc.

Your speech should be 3-5 minutes. You will be timed.

You need to include the following in your speech:
1. Why you created the project
2. What types of media did you use to create it and how you went about creating it.
3. What is the item you brought in
4. Why you decided to bring this piece to class

Make sure you take notes of what you will speak about prior to coming to class. You must hand in your index cars at the end of class. Also make sure to practice your speech to make sure you have enough material. Remember the speech needs to be at least 3 minutes.

Your grade will be worth 50 points and will be based on the following criteria:
• Brought actual piece of artwork in - 10 points 
• Explained your piece of art and answered the questions above - 15 points 
• Speech was 3-5 minutes - 10 points 
• Handed in index cards from speech - 5 points 
• Asked other classmates questions and stayed attentive during other speeches - 10 points 

Questions? Email me: 

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