Friday, September 27, 2013

For the interior design students in class...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment # 3 Group Presentations & Group Assignments

Assignment # 3 – Group Presentation

Group 1: Michael, Katrina, Debbie and Julia

Group 2: Chris, Katie and Samantha

Due Monday, October 7, 2013

  • You will be assigned a group for this presentation with 3-4 group members.
  • Pick one product or place that you will market to the class. You will need to develop reasons and present why the class should purchase this product or place. It must be something that is currently available for purchase. (Examples: iPod, CD, DVD, clothing, vacation, book, electronics, game, art supplies, computer, car, house, etc.
  • Presentation should be 7-10 minutes. Your group will be timed.
  • You should conduct research on your product and you should include factual information in your presentation (example: technical aspects, cost, where you can purchase, include well-known reviewer information).
  • Include your personal reviews of products. Why did you choose this? Have you used it? Why do you like it?
  • Are there any drawbacks to the product?
  • Why should the class purchase the product?

  • Your grade will be based on a 100-point scale and will be based on your individual performance and preparation for this project.
  • If a group member does not show up the day of the presentation, it will be up to the individual group members to make sure they are prepared to present what this group member was assigned to present.

You will be graded on the following:
  • Research for presentation, including bibliography. Each group must hand in a typed bibliography that includes at least 3 sources. This should be handed in on the day you conduction your presentation – 15 points
  • Actual presentation performance (group will be timed, I will check to see how your tone, eye contact, etc. is during the presentation). – 25 points
  • Visuals – include images of actual product or bring in actual product. Other visuals can include graphs or other information that will help to convenience the class to purchase this product.  25 points
  • On September 30, 2013 the group will work together to write-up an outline, fill out questionnaire and meet with the professor to discuss presentation. You must do this all before the end of class on the 30th. – 15 points
  • Typed up explanation from each group member handed in day of presentation explaining why you decided to present your product and note cards handed in the day of your presentation.  10 points
  • Stay attentive during class and ask the other group questions about their presentation – 10 points

If you have questions during the next two weeks, please e-mail me at

Impromptu Speech Topics for Monday

As we discussed in class last week, the topics for tomorrow's impromptu speech are:

1) Cell Phones
2) Music
3) Food

You will find out first thing in class tomorrow which topic you will speak on. After our class lecture I will give you 15-20 minutes to prepare on your subject.

Remember you need to have a purpose/thesis in your speech, a body with main points/reasons and a conclusion.

The speech will be timed and will be 3-5 minutes.

Questions before class tomorrow? e-mail me

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Assignment # 2 Impromptu Speech

Assignment # 2

Impromptu Speech

Due: September 23, 2013

We will discuss different possible topics for your impromptu speech assignment in class. As a class, we will vote open topics discussed and narrow it the assignment down to three possible topics the class feel comfortable speaking on.

You will not know which topic you will speak on for class next week. I will have written on note cards the three topics we have chosen as a class, and you will pick at random a card the day of our next class. You should not have a speech written out on this topic. If you would like, you are allowed to have one note card per topic (so three note cards in total) for class so that you will have a few notes on what to speak about.

Your grade for this assignment will be worth 50 points.

You will be graded based on the following:

1)    Staying on the topic you have been assigned – 15 points
2)    Timing of speech – 3-5 minutes in length – 10 points
3)    Having a clear intro, body and conclusion for your speech – 15 points
4)    Staying attentive during other speeches and asking classmates questions at the conclusion of their speeches – 10 points

Total: 50 points

Please contact me via e-mail during the week if you have any questions:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reminders for Next Class

For class on 9/16 please have chapters 3 & 4 read. We will have a quick quiz on the readings.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reminder for Monday's Class

Just a quick reminder for Monday's class.

1). Your art review speech is due.

2). Make sure to read chapters 1, 2 & 5 from our online textbook, which you can find at:

3). We will have a short quiz on the reading assignment on Monday.

E-mail me with any questions: