Sunday, September 15, 2013

Assignment # 2 Impromptu Speech

Assignment # 2

Impromptu Speech

Due: September 23, 2013

We will discuss different possible topics for your impromptu speech assignment in class. As a class, we will vote open topics discussed and narrow it the assignment down to three possible topics the class feel comfortable speaking on.

You will not know which topic you will speak on for class next week. I will have written on note cards the three topics we have chosen as a class, and you will pick at random a card the day of our next class. You should not have a speech written out on this topic. If you would like, you are allowed to have one note card per topic (so three note cards in total) for class so that you will have a few notes on what to speak about.

Your grade for this assignment will be worth 50 points.

You will be graded based on the following:

1)    Staying on the topic you have been assigned – 15 points
2)    Timing of speech – 3-5 minutes in length – 10 points
3)    Having a clear intro, body and conclusion for your speech – 15 points
4)    Staying attentive during other speeches and asking classmates questions at the conclusion of their speeches – 10 points

Total: 50 points

Please contact me via e-mail during the week if you have any questions:

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