Monday, October 21, 2013

Debate Assignment - Due October 28

Debate Assignment

Due Monday, October 28, 2013
This assignment is worth 100 points

Debate # 1:  Pro:  Michael vs. Con: Julia
Topic — Michael: Macs are better than PCs
Julia: Pcs are better than Macs

Debate # 2: Pro: Debbie vs. Con. Katie
Topic—Debbie: public schools should stop funding art programs
Katie: public schools should not stop funding art programs

Debate # 3:  Pro: Chris & Samantha vs. Con: Katrina
Topic—Chris & Samantha: The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18
Katrina: The legal drinking age should not be lowered to 18 and should stay at 21

Debate format:

Each side (Pro and Con) will have 3 minutes to provide the audience with an introduction and 2-3 reasons why they support their topic. All reasons of support must show examples. For example, if you are assigned to talk about how schools should keep funding art programs, then you would want to find information that shows how the arts help children learn and maybe have a statistic to tell the audience.

After each side (Pro and Con) has stated their case I will provide 3 minutes of rebuttal preparation.

During the rebuttal each side will be given 5 minutes to refute any of the statements the other side may have stated in their introduction. In preparation to this, you should be thinking in advance what the other side will say in their introduction so that you can research reasons why this is wrong.

Finally, each side will have 3 minutes to give a final conclusion and final thoughts on why their side is correct.

The class will have an opportunity to ask any final questions of both opponents.

After each debate is over, the class will vote (anonymously) on a winner of each debate. Each winner chosen by the class (there will be a total of 3 winning sides) will receive 5 extra credit points for this assignment.

How to Prepare:
Now that you have your assigned side in the debate, it is your task to research the topic. You will need to gather evidence that will be used to support your position. Use this evidence as an aid to persuade the audience to your side. Use the best of what you have found and house it in effective, confident delivery. Practice makes perfect. It is the combination of solid evidence and polished delivery that leads to success. It is also critical to consider what the opposition will say. Think through all the possible arguments your opponents will make. Success in a debate hinges on the ability to show that the opposing team’s reasoning is weaker that yours.

1) Clear introduction of topic with 2-3 supported reasons (from outside credible sources) why you support this side – 25 points

2) Rebuttal comments have support from outside credible sources  - 25 points

3) Clear conclusion and final call for action to the class – 15 points

4) Hand in index cards and typed bibliography of at least 3 sources the day of debate – 25 points

5) Asked questions during the question and answer period of the debate – 10 points

Total 100 points

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