Monday, October 14, 2013

How to speech assignment due next Monday

How to Speech


Due date: Monday, October 21, 2013


This assignment is worth 100 points.


For this speech you will pick a topic to teach the class on. For example you may want to tell the class how to bake a cookies, or cook a certain dish, cut hair, change car oil, use a certain type of paint, use a piece of technology, beat a video game…the possibilities are endless! Be creative! Some “How To Speeches” students have done in the past have included: carve a pumpkin, make a braid, make brownies, create an origami bird, sponge paint a room, etc.


Make sure to have a visual with you. You can actually show us how to do whatever your topic is in class, as long as it isn’t hazardous. (No flames, hazardous chemicals or alcohol, etc). If you choose not to show how in class, make sure you have images or some type of example with you.


The speech should be 7-10 minutes in length.


Have a clear introduction on what your “how to” topic is, and a clear reason why you are demonstrating this to the class.


You will be graded on the following:


•  Clear speech introduction, body and conclusion – 30 points.

•  Speech length – 10 points.

•  Hand in note cards and/or speech outline – 10 points

•  Speech visual – 30 points.

•  Keeping the interest of the class – 10 points

•  Class participation, including asking speakers questions and staying attentive during classmates’ speeches – 10 points

Total: 100 points


If you have questions, e-mail me


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